
Master the Barbell -- Become a Better Lifter

The barbell is an essential bit of kit and one you'll get to know very well at DefianceFit Brighouse. Our weightlifting classes are open to all who wish to get a bit more practice in and improve their technique. DefianceFit weightlifting consists of technique drills and accessory work, as well as well carefully thought out progressions designed to help athletes improve their lifts whatever their level.

Benefits of olympic weightlifting

Olympic weightlifting is a key component to our programming at DefianceFit as it can help people of all ages become more athletic.

1. Improved Mobility

If you regularly incorporate olympic lifts into your training program you will dramatically improve your mobility.

2. Improved Body Composition

Who doesn't want to improve their body composition? You will quickly see the changes in your own body by building muscle fast while improving athleticism through performing explosive full body lifts.

3. Improved Core Strength

The Olympic lifts require a tremendous amount of core mid-line strength. DefianceFit olympic weightlifting sessions will challenge you to hold positions for technique work and find stability with the clean & jerk and snatch, which all require a tremendous amount of core strength.

DefianceFit weightlifting - load up the barbells and give your weekend a lift

Build muscle and lift more weight

If you are looking to improve your Olympic Lifts - no matter what your current level is - then be sure to book on for the DefianceFit Olympic Weightlifting Session.

Build a more efficient weightlifting technique and reach new PRs!

DefianceFit's Olympic Weightlifting Club is accessible to all who want to simply train and practice the Olympic Lifts or compete in the sport of weightlifting. This is an all-inclusive training program designed to increase performance in the snatch and clean and jerk.

Is Olympic Weightlifting Safe?

Yes, Olympic Lifting at DefianceFit is limited to those members who have learned proper technique for the Olympic lifts through our Fundamentals course. We’d encourage people who are just learning the Olympic lifts to to perform them using PVC pipe or lighter load in DefianceFit Workouts where intensity can be high until they can perform lifts safely while under duress.

Interested in taking this class?